Can I just say how much I love having my own computer here? I can't believe what a huge difference it makes and it's so different from my last experience in China when I had to walk to internet cafes to use the internet, or I had dial-up internet only.
I've been feeling jealous of what will most likely be a gorgeous white christmas back home...and I definitely miss the cozy Christmas season. I've haven't experienced it recently due to being in Asia both this year and the last. Here's Dad and the lovely Christmas tree (and me in the tiny box in the corner with my miniature tree):

Paul and Brittany waving for the camera:

My everyday desk set-up...newspaper assignment in semi-progress:

Paul opening a couple of presents:

One sentence almost finished!

Mom and the Christmas tree:

Nearly the entire is holding the computer up for me to see the entire room.

I also of course often speak with Scott and he showed me some of the snowy weather back home. Here's the view out the apartment window. So lovely!

And Scott looking handsome and happy (although he was actually freezing from standing outside with the computer, showing me the snow):

I miss everyone and am looking forward to my visit home!!!!
Wow! We've come a long way baby. Thank goodness. Cool post.
Love Mom
We're looking forward to your visit home too!
Hi Marie,
How sweet your family were to you..I knew how you felt all the way here in China.
I'm staying far from my hometown too.I always wish I was at home during celebration season.
I miss my family too..
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